Thursday, March 6, 2014


Every astrologer I trust has referred to this period in history as a time of social and personal reinvention, just like the sixties, energetically. Yeah, it surely is. The cultural shifts are dramatic - such as marriage equality. All of a sudden, a tipping point was reached and boom. Done and done. I know there are still states fighting it, but for heaven's sake, there is no point in it. The paradigm has shifted for sure.

We are an opportunistic species. We are social predators. Hence where we sense weakness, we attempt to dominate. In times of extreme change such as now, also in the sixties, social evolution is accompanied by violence and fear. During the sixties, it was the Vietnam War, something we watched on television. The Vietnam War was a hideous injury to the American soul. It was ghastly. Simultaneously, women's rights and civil rights advanced by leaps and strides, though both movements were accompanied by violence and fear. It seems that social change on the level that occurred in the sixties can't take place without crises.

I'm thinking, among other situations, about Russia and Putin and how he wrote that editorial, published in the New York Times, words that seemed noble, but were obviously a total crock of shit. Pardon my French!

There is some way in which the Cold War furthered social evolution during the sixties. Please don't ask me to explain why - or how. I'm not clear there's a cause and effect situation here. It's a correlation; big change gets us riled up, crises arise. My spirit guides say that every collision opens a portal in time/space, making possible the departure of the old. Nature abhors a vacuum. When the old way disappears through the portal, we scramble to fill the empty space. Some of the scrambling brings into being a new, more compassionate paradigm. Some of it brings chaos and violence. Same as it ever was.

A friend of mine said, during the Olympics, Everything is better when we hate Russia. It rings true. The Cold War kept us from completely fracturing during the social upheavals of the 1960s and 1970s because our hatred of Communism brought us together. Maybe it's OK to hate Russia for the next little while, to get us through this crazy moment in history. Who knows?

One thing that's great about early old age is that I can remember the last time this happened. As I have said for a few years, this period of time feels just like the sixties. Except: I miss the sex, I miss the drugs, I miss the rock and roll.



  1. I like the instability of social change, it feels right since we are the generation of instability...Putin is such a dangerous cartoon and is very amusing from afar. Merde! I still have republican friends who watch FOX- now, THAT is frightening.

  2. I never thought about that before -- the social positives of hating Russia! Ha! I suppose there will always be an "other" -- if not Russia then someone else. (Sometimes, for some people, it's Mexicans. Sometimes, for some people, it's Muslims.)

    It is funny how history repeats itself. Things that we thought were long settled -- the Cold War, or debates over evolution and creationism, for example -- keep coming back!

  3. Except the crazy right wing is not hating on Russia. They are still hating on our president and praising Putin.
