Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Infamous DC Snow Hole

At the coffee place yesterday, it was warm enough to sit outside without hat or gloves. This dude was trying to stare me down, get me to drop some crumbs. He was not successful because I wasn't eating anything. Hope he has a warm place to hide during the bitter cold days ahead.

It might be a snow day today. They say it will be but it's rather hard to believe - because DC doesn't get much snow even when they swear it will, they being the weather people. My sister Hannah believes that the graphic accompanying every weather report, no matter what they're predicting, should be a person shrugging his or her shoulders. They said it would be a terrible hurricane season, but it wasn't. After the year of drought in the midwest, they predicted the drought would continue, but it didn't - they had more snow that winter than could be believed. In the Reyaverse the weather is the emotional body of this beautiful planet. Is it any wonder that it's unpredictable?

Here they're saying 4"-7" of snow. I am dubious.

Just in case they're right, I went out this morning to hunt and gather. A lot of people were out and about because they closed schools and businesses. It was fun. The snow began just as I opened the gate to the front yard at the chateau, laden with groceries. My timing was pretty sweet.

I'm about to make a vegetarian chili that features butternut squash, chipotles and black beans. I do believe it's going to be cold as fuck, as it was in the midst of the first Polar Vortex, hence a savory chili is the perfect thing to make. I'm also in possession of everything I need to make a sour cream coffee cake. I might get into it this afternoon, roll up my sleeves, turn on some music, and cook.

If we get measurable snow, I will make a snowtini later. But about that I am not holding my breath.

Am I complaining? It isn't how I feel. I'm more resigned to the reality of winter weather in DC. My prediction? A dusting of snow to accompany the bitter cold. I think we might get a decent snow in February or March, which is normal for DC. Imagine me as a weather graphic, shrugging my shoulders. Who knows?

This post is, in a sense, a challenge to the weather gods. I should never do that! Oh well, too late now!

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