Here in DC we have not seen any snow for awhile, and won't have to deal with any from the incoming storm. Rather a shame. I love snow, but this is normal for DC. It's going to rain: a cold rain that might include sleet. I'm telling you this winter has been mean.
But I'm feeling cheerful. I bought groceries today, my favorite thing. As I was shopping, I decided to give myself permission to eat cake every day from now until my birthday next week, if I want to. Cake is one of those wheat based foods that does not agree with me. I'm not allergic, hence sometimes I allow myself the pleasure, no matter the side effects, because I love cake. I really love cake. I even love the word cake.
Here is a picture of today's cake, a slice of vanilla with chocolate chips, from Whole Foods. It was adequate. Should I continue to search for cake, it's all uphill from here.
Last year, right before I turned sixty, I was kind of a wreck. I almost bought a ticket to Paris until my sanity returned, that is until I realized that spending my 60th birthday in Paris, in February, when everyone I love was not in that city, would have been a colossal waste of money, and depressing, too. I came so close to pushing the BUY TICKET button on the Air France site, you would not believe. But reason prevailed somehow and I ended up spending the day instead with a good friend here in DC, feasting, toasting, and taking a walk in the rain.
Coming up on age sixty one, I'm holding steady. In the wake of my nasty battle with H1N1 after the first of the year, I have remembered every day - so far - to be grateful for all the pleasures, dramas, traumas, aches and pains, big laughs and adventures that go along with living in a human body. I really did touch the grave when I was sick!
But I'm alive, completely well and completely whole, and I'm eating cake every day between now and my birthday next week. If I want to, that is. Only if I want to.
Life is good and I am grateful. Cheers.
My husband is gluten free and I make some wonderful cakes using Pamela's baking and pancake mix. You can get it at Whole Foods ....the sour cream cake is delicious as well as the pumpkin. And the pancakes...yum! I am not gluten free but prefer things made with this now instead of regular.